
DigitalOcean Referral Badge

1. Sign Up or Log In:

If you haven't already, sign up for a DigitalOcean account using your student credentials by clicking above logo or log in if you already have an account.

2. Access the Dashboard:

Once logged in, you'll land on the dashboard. This is your control panel for managing your DigitalOcean resources.

3. Navigate to Droplets:

On the dashboard, find and click on the "Droplets" option from the sidebar menu. This is where you'll manage your virtual servers.

4. Create Droplet:

Click the "Create Droplet" button.

5. Choose an Image:

Select an operating system for your droplet. DigitalOcean offers various pre-configured images including different Linux distributions and application stacks. You might also have access to marketplace images or custom images depending on your account privileges.
dropletOs 1.png

6. Choose a Datacenter Region:

Choose the data center region closest to your target audience or where you anticipate most of your traffic to come from. This helps in reducing latency.

7. Choose a Plan:

Select a pricing plan for your droplet. There are different tiers available with varying amounts of CPU, memory, and storage. Be mindful of your account credits or limits, if applicable.

8. Additional Options (Optional):

Configure additional options such as backups, monitoring, IPv6, user data, etc., according to your requirements. These options might have associated costs, so be mindful of your account balance.

9. Authentication:

Choose a method to access your droplet. You can use SSH keys for secure authentication or password-based authentication. SSH keys are recommended for better security. But in this example I am using SSH Password.

10. Finalize and Create:

Review your selections and configurations. Once you're satisfied, click on the "Create Droplet" button.

11. Wait for Deployment:

DigitalOcean will now provision your droplet based on the chosen configuration. This usually takes a few seconds to a couple of minutes.

12. Access Your Droplet:

Once the droplet is created, you can SSH into your droplet using your preferred terminal with following command.
ssh <your username>@<droplet's public ip>
ssh krn@